Frequently asked questions
Getting started with Sneakypeer
Sneakypeer is a sophisticated analytics tool that helps investors to make informed decisions regarding P2P and Crowdlending investment options. Sneakypeer helps to determine the reliability of various platforms with in-depth reviews, Sneakypeer Rating and other information exclusively provided by the platform operators.
Sneakypeer team has done due diligence and reviews for you. Sneakypeer Rating that has proven to be an objective and comprehensive measure to determine platforms reliability and overall riskiness. Additionally, Sneakypeer has created a functionality that allows platform operators to submit additional information therefore incentivizing them to be more transparent towards investors.
Sneakypeer rating is a custom made scoring model for P2P and Crowdfunding platforms. It consists of more than 60 criteria taking into consideration platforms historical performance, statistics, business model, owners and more. Sneakypeer rating indicates which platform might be the most reliable for Peer-to-peer investments. Find more about Sneakypeer rating on the How it works page.
Transparency rating is yet another measure introduced by Sneakypeer team. Transparency rating indicates how much data points and information a platform has provided for Sneakypeer and investors themselves. Even if the Sneakypeer rating is relatively low but Transparency rating is good, it indicates that the platform might not be the best option, but it is transparent, honest and willing to make things better.
To register click on the "Register" button on the right top corner of the site, then you will be transferred to the Register page and see options to sign up with your social media accounts or your email address. After that, you just fill all the blank spaces with your information and verify your email address and you will be a part of Sneakypeer!
No, the Sneakypeer tool is developed so even amateur investors could understand the information that we provide users with. You should learn the basics before investing anyway, but of course, you can use our product even if you don't have any serious knowledge about investing. By using Sneakypeer you can only improve your investment portfolio for a better future.
Previously there were some loud scams where platforms disappeared with millions of dollars of their investor’s money and the investors never saw that money anymore. That’s how we came up with the idea that the peer-to-peer industry should be more transparent so people could understand which of the platforms are reliable and which ones are not!
You should always trust yourself first, we are here just to help you with your decisions. Our goal is to provide you as much information as we can, so you can make the best and the most profitable decision.
Managing your account
All the information about platforms are available for both registered and not registered users.
To change your account details, go to the My Profile page - click on the menu icon at the top right corner of the page and select My Profile. You can change your email address, password, cancel your subscription or change your chosen platforms to monitor.
If you have forgotten your password, go to the login page and click - I forgot my password, then enter your email address and you should receive an email to change your password to a new one!
Questions from Platforms
If you are a peer-to-peer or crowdlending platform and you want to be a part of Sneakypeer, drop us an email at
Multiple scoring questions are based on interviews and enhanced due diligence of platforms, therefore analysing information that is not available publicly. Multiple platforms have improved their transparency after communication with Sneakypeer and after getting an explanation about their weak points, as well as potential improvements regarding transparency, the environment in a platform and accuracy of risk assessment.
Yes, of course! We will be more than happy to provide you with an Iframe from our side, to make it easier for you! Contact us and we will help you with all the details.
Safety and Security
To contact the Sneakypeer team you can message us on our social media, here at the Contact us page or email us at
To verify your email address, go to your email and click on the link that we have sent to you, then you will be transferred back to the Sneakypeer site and your profile will be verified and ready to go!
To help us with maintaining our website, if you see a problem or a bug email us at
and we will fix the problem as fast as possible.
To find out more about our legal and privacy terms, please read our terms and conditions.