Gathering data

Emprestamo Review

Emprestamo Statistics

  • Business name: Emprestamo
  • Legal name: SMART & SMALL SL
  • Jurisdiction: Spain
  • Type: Crowdfunding
  • Average score:
    0 / 5
Promised annual return

11.0 %

Sneakypeer scoring




Secondary Info
  • Total invested: Unknown
  • Buyback guarantee: Unknown
  • Secondary market: Unknown
  • Licensed: Unknown
Loan Types
Invoice Financing

Emprestamo Description

General Information

Emprestamo is a Spanish invoice financing platform, which was founded in 2018. The platform acquires the invoices on behalf of investors, who in exchange for their investment obtain a return on the operation. This return is set between 4.5% and 11% per year depending on the risk assigned to the debtor and the term of the operation. To date, more than 500 invoices has been financed through the platform.

Board & Team

Emprestamo are in SegoGroup that has 3 major shareholders : Angels Investment Fund, Picaval and GVC Gaesco. CEO of Emprestamo is Sergio Valcarcel who is also a Director of Operations in SegoGroup.

Financial Analysis

The platform doesn't publish its annual reports on its webpage. The historical loan books are not available as well. There are limited statistics on the platform's webpage.

Platform’s Score and Uniqueness

Emprestamo offers auto-invest features, but not the secondary market. There are personal guarantees to the payment loan as well. The investment can not be diversified using different loan types. The promised return is up to 7.2%, which is justified in their webpage. The promised return is below the average market return. It is free of charge to invest through Emprestamo.


Emprestamo is a Spanish invoice financing platform that offers a return on investment of up to 7.2 percent. The site has features like auto-invest, but not the secondary market. The platform makes information about its founders and crew available to the public. The platform's annual report for the previous fiscal financial year is not available on their website. Emprestamo does not publish its historical loan books either.