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Lenndy Review

Lenndy Statistics

  • Business name: Lenndy
  • Legal name: SIA Lenndy
  • Jurisdiction: Latvia
  • Type: P2P platform
  • Average score:
    1 / 5
Promised annual return

12.3 %

Sneakypeer scoring




Secondary Info
  • Total invested: €38.6M
  • Buyback guarantee: Yes
  • Secondary market: Yes
  • Licensed: No
Loan Types
Business loans
Invoice Financing
Single payment loans
Car loans
Mortgage loans

Lenndy Description

General Information

Lenndy is a P2P lending platform that is registered both in Lithuania and Latvia with its operational office in Vilnius, Lithuania. The platform was founded in 2016. Lenndy offers five loan types, which are business, single payment, mortgage, car loans and invoice financing. To date, more than EUR 38 million has been invested through the platform. Lenndy has four loan originators. According to the official databases, the UAB Giantus Group is the global ultimate owner of Lenndy.

Board & Team

The platform shares only the names and positions of its team, which consists of three persons. Donatas Šatkauskas is the CEO and board member of Lenndy. The two other team members did not even mention that they are working at Lenndy on the publicly available sources. 

Financial Analysis

Lenndy does not share its annual report and historical loan books on their web page. However, the platform shares some statistics that shows some important figures and the loans’ performance. There is only the annual report for 2019 available on the official source. Analyzing the financial ratios of Lenndy, it can be said that the platform has liquidity problems in 2019. Lenndy’s debt to equity ratio was negative, however, the return on assets seemed good. Overall, the financial health of Lenndy looked concerned with a serious liquidity problem.   

Platform’s Score and Uniqueness

Autoinvest and  secondary market options are available to investors on the Lenndy platform. There is a buyback guarantee and also personal guarantee depending on the loan type. The platform mentioned collateral, but the LTV is not given. The promised return is from 12-15% with the diversification options. The promised return above market average return and it is not justification on their web page. Investing through Lenndy is free of charge. The platform can not be found in the registered address, but they mention their office address on the web page. 


Lenndy is a Lithuanian P2P platform with the promised return of 12-15%, which is above the market average return and is justified on the web page. Platform offers buyback and personal guarantees-personal guarantee depending on the loan type. There are features available such as autoinvest and secondary market that makes investing much easier and attractive. Lenndy provides information about the team which consists of three people. The platform only sells loans issued by the subsidiaries, which can be considered as a  conflict of interest. Lenndy has not shared its 2020 annual report yet, but the 2019 annual report is available and it can be said that the platform had liquidity problems.